19 Gorgeous Hairstyles For Graduation Pictures 2020

Hairstyles For Graduation Pictures: Beautiful Ideas With Photos

Hair and makeup – the final chords when choosing a prom image. Once you have decided on the evening dress – it’s time to start the final elements of the evening look. What hairstyles are relevant in 2020 and how not to spoil the appearance of the young beauty – let’s talk about this in our article.

Remember that the era of high hairstyles that resemble whipped cream on the cone of ice cream, has long outlived its usefulness. Naturalness and simplicity, as well as weaving of braids, confidently break into fashion. Minimalism and lightness – everything you need, even if the festive dress is too outrageous.

Choosing A Hairstyle For Short Hair

Clinging tresses and adding lengths to hair is a long forgotten past that gives young schoolgirls extra years. If you have short hair, do not be sad, you can do an elegant styling, increase the volume or make a cute little girl, decorating her head with a diadem.

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19 Gorgeous Hairstyles For Graduation Pictures

Stylish Graduation Hairstyle Ideas For Medium And Long Hair

Long hair is a hairdresser’s dream, because with them you can realize the most daring and cool hairstyle ideas:

  • Malvinku With Twisted Locks
  • High Tail
  • Hollywood Styling
  • Light Curls
  • Knot
  • Volumetric Blow
  • Pigtails
  • High Hair
  • Combed Back Hair
  • And Simple Flowing Hair
Hairstyles For Graduation Pictures - Coiffure mariage
19 Gorgeous Hairstyles For Graduation Pictures

Hairstyles For Graduation Pictures: Beautiful Ideas With Photos

Hairstyles For Graduation Pictures

Attention! Do not use a lot of varnish, which will only spoil the overall picture of the graduation look, ease and ease – your main trump card at the prom. Using a large number of invisibles can also spoil the hairstyle.

Festive Hairstyles For Schoolgirls With Decor

Hoops, hairpins, and bows are a relevant part of 2020. Decorating your hair with such an element, you add romanticism and femininity to your holiday look. Moreover, jewelry with straight and curled hair, braids and especially with a high tail looks harmonious.

Owners of an oval face shape are very lucky, because any hairstyle will suit you

Pay attention to pearl jewelry, which used to be considered an attribute of an adult woman’s wardrobe. Now the template is destroyed and young talents look no worse than ladies in age.

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19 Gorgeous Hairstyles For Graduation Pictures


You can also decorate your hair with a delicate pearl hoop that blends nicely with delicate fabrics in light shades and velvet.


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19 Gorgeous Hairstyles For Graduation Pictures

Spring / Summer Trend 2020 – Braiding

The freshest and most stylish trend of this season is braiding. Choosing such a hairstyle, you will definitely hit the target, because you will look as young and natural as possible. Do not rush to grow up! When choosing hairstyles with pigtails, draw a picture in your head – “does my dress fit with braids?”. For a strict satin dress will look ridiculous in a collaboration with braids. But the light chiffon dress harmoniously reconnects with such a hairstyle.


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19 Gorgeous Hairstyles For Graduation Pictures

Now let’s talk about the shape of the face. Of course, girls with a high forehead should not do a “licked” hairstyle, this also applies to schoolgirls with big ears. It is better to hide their shortcomings, and not stick out for general viewing.

Chubby girls need to visually lengthen their faces. This will help: parting on the side, voluminous hairstyles, large braids and decor. Triangular face: wide cheekbones and a narrow chin are visually smoothed with curls at the temple. And girls with a square face shape should pay attention to short haircuts and already start from this when choosing a graduation hairstyle.

The graduation date in Ukrainian schools is tied to the end of the main session of the external independent evaluation of 2020. And each school has the right to independently choose the day for the festive evening – from May 24 to June 24.

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