15 Awesome Hairstyles For Big Forehead

Awesome Hairstyles For Big Forehead

A tall forehead is lovely! But if it does not harmonize with other facial features, it can be easily disguised with the right haircut. We asked Salon Secret stylists to share professional tips with those who would like to hide this detail visually.

The Shape Of The Face With A Big Forehead

Awesome Hairstyles For Big Forehead
Awesome Hairstyles For Big Forehead

First, let’s see if your forehead can be considered high in terms of geometry. To do this, we will need a regular ruler or a centimeter ribbon. Measure the height of the face as a whole and then the height of the forehead.

Then count: if the height of the forehead takes more than a third of the height of the face, then your forehead can be called high.

If the height of the forehead is a third or less than a third of the height of the forehead, you can discard the anxiety and rely on geometry. Even if you think your forehead is high, it doesn’t look like that!

What Haircut Without Bangs Will Suit A Girl With A Big Forehead?

The easiest way to hide a tall forehead is to cut off the bangs. But what if you just don’t want to wear it? The main thing is not to panic! It turns out that there are enough gorgeous haircuts that will help to mask the high forehead without any bangs.

Long Hair – Hairstyles For Big Forehead

Lucky to divert attention from the high forehead will help any cascading haircut! It creates volume at the top of the head, allowing you to balance the proportions and visually draw out a horizontal line.

Awesome Hairstyles For Big Forehead
Sources: Awesome Hairstyles For Big Forehead

Another way – to curl large curls from the roots, and the rest to make not strictly in the center, and lateral. This asymmetry, in combination with wavy hair, will quickly solve the problem of a high forehead.

On Medium Hair – Hairstyles For Big Forehead

An elongated quad with a side shaving is the perfect solution for medium-length hair. And if you make the bottom cut asymmetrical, it will even better divert attention from the high forehead!

Awesome Hairstyles For Big Forehead
Awesome Hairstyles For Big Forehead

Bob-care will also be a great solution: an oblique cut will instantly balance the proportions, and the long strands on the sides will perfectly harmonize with the high forehead.

On Short Hair – Hairstyles For Big Forehead

For short hair, stylists recommend first of all a quad on the leg – a voluminous and stylish haircut that pulls out a horizontal face line and thus copes with the problem of a high forehead.

Awesome Hairstyles For Big Forehead
Awesome Hairstyles For Big Forehead

Another option is a short bob, asymmetrical and stylish. It is also a voluminous hairstyle, balancing proportions, and a high forehead is no longer a hindrance!

Adjust The Big Forehead With Bangs

Hits are a great way to disguise your forehead too high! However, before we get to the list of suitable hairstyles, let’s talk about which bangs, in this case, will not exactly fit:

  • Very short bangs: only to emphasize the height of the forehead.
  • Straight thin bangs: does not mask the problem.
  • Short asymmetrical bangs: will attract extra attention to the forehead.

And now, let’s see which bangs will look perfect with a high forehead!

Thick Long Bangs

Awesome Hairstyles For Big Forehead
Sources: Awesome Hairstyles For Big Forehead

A win-win option for owners of straight heavy hair. Looks incredibly feminine, and the forehead under this cop just can not be seen!

Oblique Elongated Bangs

Awesome Hairstyles For Big Forehead
Awesome Hairstyles For Big Forehead

An excellent solution for practical girls – such a hit is easy to tuck behind the ear, and it will not interfere. And the forehead hides on five-plus!

Elongated Bangs On The Sides

Awesome Hairstyles For Big Forehead
Awesome Hairstyles For Big Forehead

The long bangs can be disassembled on two sides. So she will not get into the eyes, and her main task – to balance the proportions of the face – will still be fulfilled!

Long Laces

Awesome Hairstyles For Big Forehead
Sources: Awesome Hairstyles For Big Forehead

If you aspire to asymmetry, this option for you – along asymmetrical bang and forehead will cover, and the mood will create!

A Review Of Women’s Hairstyles And Stylings Suitable For High Forehead

There are no universal solutions – when choosing a hairstyle, it is essential to take into account a lot of details! Especially for this, we have chosen solutions for different types of faces.

Extended Face

Awesome Hairstyles For Big Forehead
Awesome Hairstyles For Big Forehead

Girls with an elongated face type need to balance proportions by visually pulling a horizontal line. And if the elongated face got a high forehead, then only the haircut with the maximum volume – cascading or graded quad.

Oval Face

Awesome Hairstyles For Big Forehead
Awesome Hairstyles For Big Forehead

Almost any haircut will suit this type of face, and the high forehead can be masked with the help of an oblique elongated bang. Here, for example, an elongated quad for the oval face – a great solution!

Rectangular Or Square Face

Awesome Hairstyles For Big Forehead
Sources: Awesome Hairstyles For Big Forehead

Expressed cheekbones plus a high forehead – a complex combination. So, a rectangular face will suit a mischievous bob with long oblique bangs, and bangs should be graded very smoothly. And everything will be fine!

Triangular Face

Awesome Hairstyles For Big Forehead
Awesome Hairstyles For Big Forehead

Of course, Pixie! This haircut, thanks to complicated swings and graduation, can align the proportions of the triangular face. A long bang will hide a high forehead behind the cheeky strands!

Accents With Staining

Awesome Hairstyles For Big Forehead
Awesome Hairstyles For Big Forehead

The problem of a high forehead can be solved not only with a haircut but also using various coloring techniques:

  • When painting more complex, darker shades should be located below the forehead line to distract attention from it.
  • When chalking or coloring, it is better not to place contrasting strands around the forehead and place them closer to the tips of the hair and on the back of the head.
  • Single-ton coloring – a bad choice for owners of the high forehead: it is better to choose a combination of several shades to balance the proportions of the face visually.

Options For Haircuts And Hairstyles To Avoid

We have already talked about which bangs will not solve the problem of a high forehead, but will only exacerbate it. What else can emphasize too high forehead?

Awesome Hairstyles For Big Forehead
Awesome Hairstyles For Big Forehead
  • Ultra-short haircuts.
  • Strict direct labor.
  • Lack of volume in hairstyle.
  • Smoothly taken away hair.
  • High hairstyles.

So, we have seen that the problem of the big forehead is not a problem if you find a suitable haircut! And do you think a big forehead should be emphasized or masked?

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