5 Amazing Ways To Remove Eyelash Extensions At Home

5 Amazing Ways To Remove Eyelash Extensions At Home

Eyelash expansions (remove eyelash extensions at home) must become such a successful procedure that more and more masters are striving to master it. At the same time, the quality of execution “at the height” – only in units. What to do if the result was unsuccessful and eyelashes need to be removed urgently?


Eyelash extensions – salon procedure, which should be performed by professionals, it is a guarantee of a better result. Withdrawal in the extreme case could be made at home – in the case if the new image with lush eyelashes did not meet your expectations or, for example, if the master did not do the job in the best way.

In the material, we will talk about how to remove the extension eyelashes at home and what means to use it not to harm your eyelashes. 

5 Amazing Ways To Remove Eyelash Extensions At Home
5 Amazing Ways To Remove Eyelash Extensions At Home

1. Features Of Removing The Lashes At Home

Eyelash correction is usually done every three to four weeks – this is due to the duration of different periods of their life cycle. About 30 days, they “live” in the phase of active growth, which affects the results of the procedure, because over time, in a smooth number of sprouted eyelashes there are gaps (learn how to restore eyelashes and eliminate “gaps” can be found in this article).

This should be carried into account during preparing an independent withdrawal. However, if you generally do not like the build-up, there is no need to wait until the eyelashes “grow back.”

Even with self-removal, it is necessary to strive to ensure that the literacy of all actions, accuracy, safety was at the same level, which can provide in good salons. Remember that any awkward movement can harm your real eyelashes, and their recovery – a long process. Use only high-quality lashings.

Thanks to them, again, eyelashes’ health will not threaten, and the process will be faster and more effective. 

5 Amazing Ways To Remove Eyelash Extensions At Home
Features Of Removing The Lashes At Home – 5 Amazing Ways To Remove Eyelash Extensions At Home
Have you ever done eyelash extensions - at home or in the salon?

2. Professional Remedies For Removing Lashes

Such professional means as a debonder or receiver is hardly in your home cosmetics. So one of these funds will have to buy separately, but spending will justify itself – to remove the extension eyelashes with one of them will be almost as fast and straightforward as the usual makeup.

A. Debonder

At its core, the debonder is a solvent of glue, useful after a few minutes. It will only be left to remove the extension eyelashes, separated from their own. This tool is considered to be quite aggressive in its action.

However, the formulas are still designed to minimize the possibility of irritation. Be sure that the liquid, when applied, does not fall on the mucous eyelid – then the unpleasant consequences will not be. 

Professional Remedies For Removing Lashes - Remove Eyelash Extensions At Home
Professional Remedies For Removing Lashes – Remove Eyelash Extensions At Home

B. Work With The Powder As Follows:

  • Stick a particular patch under the embossed row of the lower eyelid that will protect the skin. You can replace it with half of a regular cotton disc, but it should be fixed to fit tightly to the surface and the lash growth line.
  • Carefully apply the debonder, distributing the product evenly. To do this, it is advised to use a cotton bud.
  • After a few minutes, use a disposable brush for mascara carefully to remove the unstuck lashes. Another option is to do all the same actions using sterilized tweezers.
  • Wipe your eyelids with a cotton pad soaked with water or a special emollient lotion to remove the remnants of the debonder from the skin and eyelashes. When this happens, treat the eyelashes with castor oil.

C. The Receiver

The receiver differs from the debonder by a softer composition. It is a more gentle remedy, which is also suitable for sensitive skin, as it dissolves the glue with a formula based on oils. Thus, for weakened eyelashes and the skin eyelids will also benefit – a therapeutic effect.

Also, there are receivers of different formats of release – it’s creams and gels. It is believed that the means with such a texture to use more convenient than a wonder: they do not spread over the eyelids, the risk that the remedy will get on the mucous or in the eyes, almost no. 

Professional Remedies For Removing Lashes - Remove Eyelash Extensions At Home
Professional Remedies For Removing Lashes – Remove Eyelash Extensions At Home

The order of action in working with the receiver is the same as with the debonding. Except that to withstand the composition on the eyelashes will have a little longer – not 3-5 minutes, and about 10.

But this is just an excuse to relax a little with your eyes closed! Even though the receiver contains useful components for the skin and eyelashes, it is better at the end, after the procedure, also to apply castor oil.

D. Abused

When removing the lashes at home, they also refer to a drug such as abuse. It is a drug that is commonly used to treat eye infections (such as conjunctivitis) and inflammation. In beauty salons, it also goes in motion, and for two reasons. First, the albucide copes with the glue and dissolves it well. Secondly, it does not irritate.

However, when deciding to work with an abusive, it is necessary to remember that it is an antibiotic – and its use should not become a regular practice. The application of an abused with a cotton bud is recommended to repeat 2-3 times; leave the remedy on the eyelashes need about 20-30 minutes – after that, the hairs will be natural “departed.”

Professional Remedies For Removing Lashes - Remove Eyelash Extensions At Home
Professional Remedies For Removing Lashes – Remove Eyelash Extensions At Home

Choosing a remedy for removing eyelashes, guided better not by how fast it works. It is much more important whether it will be safe, both for eyelashes, eyelids, and eyes. Use only clean materials, sterile tools. Act carefully – you can not, for example, rub your eyes hard, trying to remove the remaining eyelashes.

Also, do not forget that eyelashes will not hurt additional care after the procedure of removal. Oils (such as turnip, coconut, or peach) will help to provide it. And it is worth taking a break of at least two weeks between withdrawal and subsequent build-up.

5 Amazing Ways To Remove Eyelash Extensions At Home
5 Amazing Ways To Remove Eyelash Extensions At Home

3. Ways To Remove Lashes With Improvised Means

As practice shows, to get rid of the extension eyelashes, it is unnecessary to buy unique professional means – and “people’s.” This is a practical solution, but in the most extreme case, you can do without them. Basic cosmetics or even some products that will be found in a regular kitchen will help.

A. Vegetable Oils

Many do not suspect that the appropriate remedy is in the immediate vicinity to learn how to remove the lashes. According to reviews, even sunflower oil works well. Olive oil will be able to cope with the task, but most of these means recommend oil turnip or castor. Helping to unstuck the lashes, such crude at the same time, helps restore their own and stimulate their growth.

What other oil can remove the extension eyelashes? The list includes flax, corn, almond oil, and many others. The main point is to create sure that they act softly on the skin and not cause irritations or inflammation. We told you more about which oils will not harm your eyelashes.

Ways To Remove Lashes With Improvised Means - Remove Eyelash Extensions At Home
Ways To Remove Lashes With Improvised Means – Remove Eyelash Extensions At Home

B. How Exactly To Remove The Sprouted Eyelashes With Oil? The Sequence Of Actions Should Be:

  • Lightly heated with an oil soak the halves of cotton pads, which you will apply to the lower eyelid.
  • Apply the oil with a cotton stick to the lashes in the root area. Repeat the same after five minutes to make the product work better.
  • After lying with your eyes closed and oiled on your eyelashes for about 30 minutes, remove the lashes that have been separated from their extensions. It will help you, again, either tweezers or a disposable mascara brush.

To make it work the first time while waiting gently massage the eyelashes at the base. Perhaps some of the hairs will not be unstuck, and then the procedure will have to be repeated. 

C. Cream

To remove the lashes at home, you will need a fat cream with a creamy texture and oils in the composition (may be suitable and ordinary children’s cream). It operates on the same principle as oil in its purest form. But the presence of other chemicals in the formula will require you to be more careful when applying.

It is necessary to make sure that the remedy does not get in the eye. Some also recommend Vaseline, but it will be difficult to remove from the eyelashes, so you will have to tinker. 

cream - Ways To Remove Lashes With Improvised Means - Remove Eyelash Extensions At Home
cream – Ways To Remove Lashes With Improvised Means

However, removing with the cream can take even longer than working with oils. So you need to allocate a free evening for this (perhaps the cream, as well as fat, will have to apply several times – and eyelashes to remove in several “approaches”).

According to reviews, the cream can be left on the eyelids at night, so that the eyelashes can be removed in the morning. But with this method, you need to be careful – there is a chance that the cream will get into the eyes or cause irritation because it is recommended to apply a dense layer.

Cream - 5 Amazing Ways To Remove Eyelash Extensions At Home
Cream – 5 Amazing Ways To Remove Eyelash Extensions At Home

D. Steaming

The “steam” way of removing the extended eyelashes works as follows: you need to spend over the container with hot water, from which steam comes, about 10 minutes, covering the head on top with a towel.

In some cases, even this is enough for the lashes to start “departing.” After steaming, if this did not happen, you can apply on the eyelashes one of the vegetable oils that are recommended for this procedure, and then the process will go much faster than “dry.”

Steaming - 5 Amazing Ways To Remove Eyelash Extensions At Home
Steaming – 5 Amazing Ways To Remove Eyelash Extensions At Home

4. Precautions When Unstuck Eyelashes

  • Do not try to remove them without pre-processing with just tweezers: pull them out without damaging your eyelashes will not work. During the extension, the hairs are secured securely enough that they can last for several weeks.
  • Your eyelashes will thin significantly if you decide to act “quickly” without training. It is also so easy to injure the skin of the eyelids.

Precautions When Unstuck Eyelashes - Remove Eyelash Extensions At Home

  • Some try to remove false eyelashes under a stream of water and use soap, gels, and other cleansers, rubbing them on the skin of the eyelids and at the roots of eyelashes.
  • Again, this is the wrong way out of the situation: in such ways, the glue does not dissolve. Instead of the desired result will be unpleasant consequences – again, thinned eyelashes, irritated skin, and eyes. 
Precautions When Unstuck Eyelashes - Remove Eyelash Extensions At Home
5 Amazing Ways To Remove Eyelash Extensions At Home
  • Whatever remedy you choose to remove the spousal eyelashes, when applying, you need to remember that it should not get on the mucous eyes – you can get redness, irritation, or even chemical burn.
  • Although specialized formulas make suitable even for sensitive skin, it does not mean that they are also entirely harmless to the eyes.
Precautions When Unstuck Eyelashes - Remove Eyelash Extensions At Home
Precautions When Unstuck Eyelashes – Remove Eyelash Extensions At Home

5. Restoring Eyelashes After Extension

Eyelash extensions are a procedure that usually does not pass without a trace after it comes the time of rehabilitation.

First, refuse to re-build for a while – it will be enough 2-3 weeks break to strengthen your eyelashes.

Secondly, immediately after removal, apply castor or turnip oil on the eyelashes – they contribute to their recovery and growth. Also, take the rule to use them regularly every day. Or prepare masks – enough to mix, for example, one of the oils with aloe juice, and then hold on the eyelashes for about 20 minutes. In addition to oils, special eyelash serums can also work.

Precautions When Unstuck Eyelashes - Remove Eyelash Extensions At Home
5 Amazing Ways To Remove Eyelash Extensions At Home

Third, pay attention to the skin of the eyelids – moisturize and soften it with creams.

Fourth, vitamins will help in the restoration of eyelashes. Analyze your diet, make sure that the foods you consume are rich in nutrients. And also, use vitamins A, E, and B12 in capsules – their contents can be mixed with oils and applied to eyelashes in the form of the same masks so that they will be even more useful.

Precautions When Unstuck Eyelashes - Remove Eyelash Extensions At Home
5 Amazing Ways To Remove Eyelash Extensions At Home
On other ways to restore eyelashes after extension, you can read here.
Do you know other ways to remove eyelashes yourself at home? Share the secret with other readers!
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